Civil Society Initiatives (CSI)

  •  Initiatives and activities BY: bloggers for human rights 

bloggers for human rights since 2005, Specialized online  blog Oriented for  e-Arab communities to spread the awareness about human rights issues for web surfers in mena. bloggers for human rights is interested in launching the solidarity campaigns and publishing the specialized studies and researches in human rights issues.Browse our publications page
In early time" 2005 - 2009 " bloggers for human rights was active in establishing the specialized chat rooms for dialogues between the users  through paltak and inspeak .
bloggers for human rights published many e-brochures and posters to rise the awareness in human rights issues such as : know your rights - the rights of visitors to Jordan - The risks of children's participation in the marches and sit-ins...etc . visit bloggers for human rights.
During the year 2014 bloggers for human rights launched a popular campaign to solidarity with the Palestinian cause, aim to refuse, Mr John Kerry plan ,the US Secretary to solve the Palestinian cause by abolishing the rights of Palestinian more

bloggers for human rights ... participated in the year 2014 in workshop held in the National Center for Human Rights in Jordan about spreading human rights culture in Jordan , with many civil society organizations, and presented a working paper entitled: " The National Plan to spread human rights culture in Jordan for the years 2014-2016 "
bloggers for human rights .... launched on May 2010 , e-campaign to call the Arab states League to allocate annual day  to be " Arab day for human rights ".
The Permanent Committee for Human Rights in Arab league welcomed in the campaign,and Adopted 16th of may each year , as annual day to celebrate in Arab day for human rights. read more
bloggers for human rights prepared a special study in the year 2010, to determine the causes of the phenomenon of violence inside the Jordanian universities and the practical solutions to process this phenomenon.
The study recommended for the Jordanian universities the need to establishment the student clubs  inside the Campus, in order to spread the culture of human rights and encourage the dialogue between the students to avoid  using the negative rights by the students. read more
bloggers for human rights Launched in 2007 a regional campaign in cooperation with human rights activists and political, media activists from Yemen to highlight on the suffering of the local population whom lives in the central region of Yemen because of land mines.
The campaign sent appeal to the Libyan government and the former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi "because of the responsibility for the financing of mine planting during the eighties of the last century.
The participants and activists Marched and protested in front of the UN headquarters and the Libyan embassy in  Sanaa, to draw attention on their cause.
The campaign officially stopped in 2012 after the political regime fell in Libya and occurred a political unrest  in Yemen, but the suffering is still till now,read more
bloggers for human rights  launched in the year 2007 its specialized e- library for human rights movies on YouTube ( Arab human rights movies channel )which contains thousands of specialized movies which covers all the rights .
visit the channel

  • political Initiatives and activities
The General measure for public performance for the political parties in Jordan -2014
To find out the extent of  using the Good-Governance Principles by the political parties in Jordan in the administration and activities and in its various programs.
The general measure which comes through eight  tables contains eight main principles  :
the public transparency,the financial integrity,legal responsibility, inclusiveness.
the party's capabilities and potential, such as : the ability to communicate with the society " Polarization, Promotion, ability to using the social media tools,  the administration skills inside the party's offices.
The General measure was published in  "ASSABEEL"Jordanian  daily newspaper,  and via the social media pages such as facebook :  ,
It was distributed to the political parties in Jordan, and  was sent to the Ministry of Political Development in Jordan, and has also been used by some Arab political activists from Sudan, Egypt and Tunisia to valuate the political parties performance in their countries,read more
  • The general program of Green Party of Jordan  : contains recommendations and proposals for political, economic, social, cultural ,and a special vision of how to apply and implement the objectives of the rules of procedure of the party.
  • This program came with a green initiative of the Jordanian government named : The Green Government during the years 2014,2015,2016, includes general perceptions and proposals for the work of government institutions within the standards and environmental conditions.
  • In 2013 after the start of Arab Spring revolutions, bloggers for human rights launched "The Arab charter for freedom and social justice", which aspires to show the Arab's youth dream and their ambition to build their democracy societies.
  • The Charter calls for the construction of a transitional rule as a prelude to building a democratic parliaments, and to create a democratic constitution that protects the rights of society and the principles of democracy,
        • Social Initiatives and activities:

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