In this course.... the learner will discover the content and structure of the Quran, explore its meaning to Muslims, and study its relationship with the Bible. Along the way, there will be diverse readings and dynamic interactive activities. You will also have the opportunity to engagewith your classmates and instructors through the discussion forums. All students are expected to follow the edX Honor Code and our Expectations of Conduct. We hope you find this course to be a meaningful and enlightening learning experience!
Course description
According to Islamic tradition the Quran is not simply an inspired scripture. It is a divine book brought down from heaven by the angel Gabriel to the Prophet Muhammad, and its message is the key to heaven. In this course we will explore the principal themes of the Quran, examine the ways in which Muslim scholars have interpreted it, and discover its surprisingly intimate relationship with the Bible.
Course Objectives
- Describe the Quran’s literary features, including its structure and its style.
- Explain the Quran’s religious arguments.
- Identify strategies the Quran uses to convince its audience of specific religious arguments.
- Discuss traditional Islamic and critical academic perspectives on the origins of the Quran.
- Identify how the Quran employs Biblical characters and traditions.
All of the assigned texts for this course are embedded in the courseware. All Quran translations come from T. Itani, Clear Quran. I am grateful to Mr. Itani for his permission to use his translation of the Quran for this course. Students interested in purchasing a complete copy of his translation can click here. All Bible quotations in this course are from the Revised Standard Version.
Among our reading are several chapters from Prof. Reynolds’ textbook, The Emergence of Islam. These chapters are embedded in the courseware, but edX students have the exclusive opportunity topurchase the ebook at a greatly reduced price of $9.99. Note: This is also available through other booksellers (e.g., Amazon.com, www.bn.com, etc.).
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