
Food Safety Knowledge - Basic Level Requirements, online course

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This free course from ALISON is compiled from the Food Safety Knowledge Network's Basic Level Requirements for Food Manufacturers. Topics covered include hygiene, water quality, allergens, and pest control, as well as contamination, food hazards, and incident management. The practices outlined in the course adhere to internationally recognized standards, codes of practice, and guidelines relating to food, food production, and food safety recognized by the WHO (World Health Organization) and United Nations. 

This course is ideal for individuals, food safety managers, and businesses responsible for food safety.


To qualify for your official ALISON Diploma, Certificate or PDF you must studyand complete all modules and score 80% or more in each of the course assessments. A link to purchase your Diploma certificate will then appear under the My Certificates heading of your My Account page.


Upon completion of this course you will know the important factors that need to be considered when managing personal hygiene. You will understand the requirements needed to ensure water is of good quality. You will gain knowledge of the importance of controlling product contamination that might compromise the health of consumers. You will know the control and management steps that need to be taken in regard to pest control, prevention and monitoring. You will know that product quarantine and complaint handling are essential in Incident Management.

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