
Transparency and anti-corruption, online course

certificate of completion

About this course

Introduction to the study of corruption from a public ethics and legal perspective
This course aims at introducing students to the study of the fight against corruption and for transparency, from a citizen public ethics perspective as well as from a legal standpoint, including thestudy of the situation in some countries of Latin America.

This course is also available in Spanish, English and Chinese, search for Transparencia y Anti-Corrupción, Transparency and Anti-Corruption or 透明和反腐 respectively.
The course comprises six units. In the first one some basic notions are reviewed, emphasizing the idea of citizenship. In the second unit we will study the norms of public ethics and of international law governing the fight against corruption and for transparency. In the third unit corruption will be related to some specific fields, such as its academic study, its presence in some industries and in the political activity.
The fourth unit depicts some international and Chilean organizations created to fight corruption from the State and civil society. The fifth unit deals with the main preventive, control and punitive measures against corruption. Finally, in the sixth unit the situation of some Latin American countries will be reviewed, including Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela.
The course consists of 32 lessons, each one lasting about 10 minutes, besides a quiz at the end of each lesson to reinforce contents. We estimate that completing the course (watching all the classes and answering all the quizzes) takes about 7 hours in total. The course is spoken in Spanish, but has subtitles and transcripts in Arabic and additional material in English. There is no time limit to complete it.

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