
Diploma in Journalism


Diploma in Journalism describes the principles, practices and methods involved in all aspects of the journalistic process. The course begins by introducing you to the key elements of the journalistic process such as identifying what is and what is not newsworthy, how to identify stories which are new, unusual or significant, and how to distinguish between a big news story and a small one. You will learn about organizing and writing the feature story itself: you will learn how to define a feature story, what the basic approaches to writing the feature story are and what different types of feature stories there are. The approaches involved in getting the required information for a feature story and putting it into an easily understood form is also explained. You will also learn about the different roles and responsibilities in a newsroom and how to use story weighting to assess a story's value and newsworthiness. You will learn how journalists must live up to the highest standards of integrity such as truth, fairness and sincerity, and you will learn why journalists must avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest. 

The course continues by reviewing the online risks and threats affecting the modern journalist, and how journalists need to be more aware of digital safety. Next the main factors in relation to reporting methods are explained as well as how journalists need to become as efficient as possible, embrace technology and use the power of the online community to help with their reporting. Different tools such as crowdsourcing, distributed and open source reporting and the use of social media in journalism are reviewed. You will also learn about the ever-growing set of tools, techniques, and approaches to storytelling known as data journalism, such as data visualization and news applications and the laws, statutes, and codes that spell out in detail the conduct required of news organizations.

Finally, you will learn about the different newspaper and magazine types, their history and how advertising and mass circulation have had an effect on the spread of national and international media. You will also learn about editorial manipulation and its impact on society, such as the relationship between the media and politics as well as the use of political information. The free Diploma in Journalism course will be of great interest to media professionals who work in the areas of communications and reportage, and who would like to learn the key practices and procedures in journalism. It will also be of great interest to any learner who would like a career in journalism and who would like to learn more about the skills required for working as a journalist.


To qualify for your official ALISON Diploma, Certificate or PDF you must studyand complete all modules and score 80% or more in each of the course assessments. A link to purchase your Diploma certificate will then appear under the My Certificates heading of your My Account page.


Having completed this Diploma course you will be able to:
- Describe the different types of journalist
- Define the main criteria for a news story
- Describe the different types of feature stories
- Develop fact checking methodologies
- Explain how to maintain balance in the use of opinions and facts
- Explain how to assess a story's value using story weighting
- Describe the different workflow's, roles and responsibilities in a newsroom
- Explain the digital challenges facing journalists
- Describe digital security principles
- Define the different types of reporting models
- Explain the use and format of a blog
- Identify the elements of online writing structure
- Explain script writing techniques
- Explain vision, value and ethics statements in media organizations
- List the elements of SMART objectives
- Explain the use of data in journalism
- List the four main obstacles to the use of data in journalism
- Explain how to access and request data
- Explain the responsibilities of a free press in a free society
- Define the right of access to government proceedings
- Describe what rights are essential in order for journalists to do their jobs
- Explain the ethics of journalism
- Explain how journalism enhances civil society
- List the nine types of FOI exemptions
- Explain how to produce investigative journalism to international standards
- Describe the development and evolution of print media
- Define what is meant by an editorial slant
- Describe the function of newsroom editing
- List the different types of editor
- Define the role of a sub-editor

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