
Let's Talk Francly
by " Gandy y abo sharar
I'd noted in the last period. Especially after the September 11/2001 ,a strange phenomenon in the foreign communities about the arab gender. or the muslems
Because of the painful events of September 11 and they were saddened by the millions of Muslims and Arabs .
Is every Muslim or Arab a terrorist or lkilling or violate the rights of others?.
don't think so......
Through my experience on the Internet, which extends for almost seven years , I met thousands of friends around the world from all origns - colors, religions and political affiliations and intellectual affiliations, I can say that there is a category hesitate in accepting the friendship with Arab or even muslems people, or at least when he heard something called mideast or any thing related on , it most often he dismissed that this phrase or the friendship if it comes by any arab or muslem person
about this strange phenomenon ,I 'd liked to write something and I hope from all my friends around to give their opinions .
this article will be in the both languages ( english & arabic ) to give all our friends to give thier opinions about this article.
and to enable all to participate friends, decided to write this article in both Arabic and English
for my part it's a big mistake to judge on the community or the people through the media news .
The judgement on the Arab societies or peoples as a source of terrorism or they are human societies like murder and blood ... Argument is incorrect ... Yes, there are some groups doing and caused the killing and destruction to us and to others , but we can not say that all Arab societies or people are bad
There are educated Arab communities and looking to the future and development.
There are arabs and Muslims love peace and peaceful coexistence
There are millions of Christians in the Middle East and North Africa, live in peace and neighborly relations with Muslims for hundreds of years
And many other positive attributes in the Middle East and North Africa
Imagine yourself as a tourist in any arabic country, has losted his way in the city or in the desert, I am sure that many people will help you and guide you to your way.
In fact this article is important and need more than this little page to discuss and need more expllation , but i liked to send a message to all my friends especially the non-arab friends, to wait and to take thier time befor judging on people
Must co-exist with others to see the positive and the bad aspects to be able to judge on the others

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